User Portlet User Portlet

Hi all, thank you for your replies. It's been quite some time since I started my request. Now, I would appreicate some help again :-). I want to use the same code as M. Rogers proposed above. The poiints I get from points = Table[{x1[t,...
Try something like: PlotLegends -> BarLegend[{"DeepSeaColors", {0, 2 Pi + 0.01}}, Ticks -> ({#, #} & /@ Range[0, 2 Pi, Pi/2])]
For starters: a1 = 1.5; a2 = 3; a3 = 6; X = 1000; \[Lambda] = 0.01; R = Range[-10.01, 10.01, 0.1]; I1[R_] := (BesselJ[1, 2*Pi*a1*(R/(\[Lambda]*X))]/(2*Pi*a1*(R/(\[Lambda]*X))))^2; I2[R_] := (BesselJ[1,...
Hi, many thanks @ Valeriu and Gustavo! That's what I have searched for....
Can you list the rows that you want? Without evaluating your phi function, just list the values for each {l,q,m} that you want and how many of those you want and what order you want them in. Perhaps with that someone can reverse engineer how to...