User Portlet User Portlet

I am trying to write a game but I don't know How to make it. On the board there are buttons and other icons (best to use images} how to set interaction when mouse is over and clicked. I attach example nootebook,I am beginer to Wolfram Language . I...
I saw that in wolfram language documentation there is info about using senseHAT but OpenDevice["SenseHAT"] gives an error that can`t find SenseHAT device also FindDevices[] dosn't show SenseHat but other such as GPIO show I will aprecitae...
It seams that Wolfram Pilot version for Raspberry Pi with raspbian Jessie works I just have installed and have runned Mathematica and checked some commands it works but the rest is the questions to Wolfram Research about porting to Jessie but its...
So far Mathematica on my Raspberry Pi works fine but for few days it hangs up on startup. I don't know what's happened... please help ?ukasz
Ok thank You I will try do update. regards ?ukasz