User Portlet User Portlet

Benjamin Izadpanah
Thanks for the suggestion. You could also make a weight lifter version of the Mona Lisa (apply it on the `ImageTransformation` sample image) =D
Thanks for the suggestion, I think because of having multiple functions + LibraryLink files, it's a perfect candidate to use the upcoming paclet repository to activate the "Time-Related Computation" section.
Use [AxesOrigin][1] option for the plot. Like: ListPlot[Liste1, AxesOrigin->{0,0}] [1]:
> GitHub repository: ---------- Since 2018 Microsoft Power BI has the ability to connect with R and python. Now you can use Mathematica to create visualization inside Power BI or send...
> *MODERATOR NOTE: GitHub repository:* ---------- Tableau 10.3, introduce a feature to integrate python with tableau through a library named `tabpy`. As of version 2021.1,...
I found a much better and simpler solution on [stackexchange][1] that works with diffrent plots including "ParametricPlot". thanks to the user [kglr][2] p0 = ParametricPlot[{Cos[t], Sin[t]}, {t, 0, 1}] (*numbers used Arrowheads...