User Portlet User Portlet

Benjamin Goodman
Hi Lea, So I begin by reusing the last result Table[With[{i = i}, Defer[data[[i]]]], {i, 1, 10}] {data[[1]], data[[2]], data[[3]], data[[4]], data[[5]], data[[6]], data[[7]], data[[8]], data[[9]], data[[10]]} I don't use...
Thanks for your comment. Yes, I've been meaning to pick apart the source for the very impressive rayshade for mathematica for a few weeks now. Interesting that you mention solar paths as they were the focus of my research for this project when I...
This was my approach. Import data: data = Import["C:\\Users\\bgood_000\\Downloads\\T0027.csv"]; and then examine (David Keith's answer above does this much better) In[42]:= data[[1 ;; 100]] Out[42]= {{"Model",...
Cool idea! This may help: I have an extract of Manhattan saved as a graph (vertices are road intersections, path between them are the edges) which you may find useful. Slight caveat; the vertex coordinates have no relation to their intended...
Consider `Reap/Sow` Instead of `AppendTo` ------------------------------------ When using the output of a program to build large lists, a combination of `Reap` and `Sow` is often cited as the most efficient (computationally speaking) approach. ...
Hi, thanks commenting. I like the idea of re purposing an optical mouse, and re purposing in general. Thinking about the precision of the experimental result reminded me that the length of the picket fence segment was measured using a ruler to 2...
Offering quick and intuitive information at a glance, maps like these can be really useful when visiting a city since its usually easier to appreciate a 5 minute walk rather than a distance of 350 m or so. These maps have recently appeared in...
Hi Brandon, No problem, I see the approach you're taking. Consider: Begin with the table as before, table = Table[i j, {i, 1, 12}, {j, 1, 12}]; % // TableForm ![enter image description here][1] Then insert, using...
I've been trying out a lot of new ideas lately and doing things I wanted to do before but didn't know how. One such idea was making a map editor for drawing road networks in a graphical environment and having it generate something computable like a...
Ah, I missed the detail of the parenthesis vs. brackets in the OP. Thanks.