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Hi, I would like to obtain a general solution for x from a second order non linear differntial equation s* x''[t] + x'[t] - C / x[t] = 0 I used the following code in mathematica as suggested in the mathematica help tutorials: ...
I would like to solve a differential equation. To find the solution of Xp (or y[x] in the below equation),I tried formulating the equation: DSolve[J*y''[x] + y'[x] -c/y[x]==0 , y[x], x] But, I really don't get a solution.. Not sure what is...
Sorry .. but How helpful is that..? i have my own data here..
Hi, Thanks for your response.. in this case I would only like to plot the red dots without highlighting the other black dots... and the red dots that should be on an increasing shade of intensity.. and the x and y intercepts are not the same.....
Sorry! I dint follow the code quite well, I tried something like this and it did not work... Cpdata = Table[ solNp = NSolve[(dNpdt /. sol) == 0, Np]; Cp = (a Np (1 + \[Gamma]rs) (-1 + \[Delta]))/( b Np (-1 + \[Delta]) -...
Sorry.. but what does the ;; in this comand mean..? ListPlot[points[[;; , ;; ;; 4]], PlotMarkers -> {Automatic, 10}]]
Thanks! it helped! I actually did not follow the code well, but it worked on copying and pasting.. How would it be if the colour shading is in the opposite direction?
Hi! It doesnt really work.. Got an error saying Unknown option PlotLegends for Panel. >> It doesn't work along when creating a panel :(
No, I don't think I am doing it right, I am not getting any plots for it. I dont know how to explain my porblem. may be this is not the right way , but I have attached an example file of what i am doing but a smaller version of it. please ignore the...
Hi all, may be i wrong with my title words. sorry for my bad english. But here is the thing, I am using the table function to generate a set of values for a steady state function called Np. With this function i will be generating 5 rows and...