User Portlet User Portlet

HI Henrik Thank you very much for your prompt reply. I enclose a workbook with my data and a couple of attempts to apply ShortTimeFourier[] to it.... &[Wolfram Notebook][1] To be honest, I wasn't able to make much sense of the output. I will...
I've got some data that represents pedal pressure for a cyclist. The shoe is clipped to the pedal, so he can push the pedal in the downstroke and pull it in the upstroke. The pull is expressed as a negative value, to distinguish from a push. I want...
Thanks, Gianluca, that does seem to do the trick!
I've written a routine for generating command strings to insert mostly numeric records into a SQL database. It chokes if I try to format a Real above a certain value, because it switches to scientific notation. This isn't actually a fragment of the...
Thanks. I had considered Graphics[], but was hoping to leverage ListPlot[], because it gives me access to some options Graphics[] does not on its own (if I understand correctly), like PlotTheme. And the workbook I am writing contains plenty of...
Pretty much every time I launch a new Mathematica session and attempt a connection to my MS SQL database — which lives across a network connected by RJ45 cable — the first attempt or two at connecting time out, then things work fine. I connect as...
Jim, That is absolutely perfect! Thanks very much, Brad
I am pulling data from an XML file that I don't control the format of. I want to place its data in a list of associations, with the end goal of producing a dataset. I was delighted to discover that this works... xmlData = XMLElement[ ...
Thanks, Gianluca, Although I think I can fix it myself, your solution does choke a bit on an input like... "DONE Here Is some text where KEY words and EXTENDED PHRASES are in \ UPPER CASE." Where it does properly catch DONE, but...
Hi Jesse This is a made-up example of some training data, much simpler than what I am actually working with... data = { 12345, "Name" -> "Alice", "Height" -> 1.62, "Systolic" -> 122, "Diastolic" -> 91 |> -> 78, ...