User Portlet User Portlet

Update: I'm thinking this might be a bug in BatchNormalizationLayer? This problem only seems to happen for BN layers that occur in a network where they aren't preceded by any other layers with learnable parameters. This was the case in the simple...
I often do something like this to save an image file into the same folder as the current notebook file: (* pretend to generate a fractal *) RandomImage[1, {1920, 1080}, ColorSpace -> "RGB"] (* export the previous output into this...
I think this does seem to be working for me. Am I doing something different from what you are?: In[1]:= f[ {{m11_, m12_}, {m21_, m22_}}, {v1_, v2_} ] = (2 - 3 m11)^2 + (5 - 7 m12)^2 + (11 - 13 m21)^2 + (17 - 19...
FindMinimum might be getting caught in a local minimum. If you're looking for a global minimum, you could try using NMinimize instead of FindMinimum. FindMinimum only searches for a local minimum. NMinimize doesn't guarantee a global minimum, and...
Is this a bug? Or there might be something I don't understand. In[1]:= Multinomial[-1/2, -1/2, 1] "During evaluation of In[1]:= Infinity::indet: Indeterminate expression 0 ComplexInfinity encountered." Out[1]= Indeterminate None...