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Want to solve eqn a =.; b =.; c =.; e =.; Solve[3 + 4 a + 4 a^2 + 4 b + 4 b^2 + 4 c + 4 c^2 == 3 (1 + 4 e + 4 e^2), {a, b, c, e}, Integers] output gives 2 conditions {{e -> ConditionalExpression[-(1/2) - Sqrt[ ...
You might find the Math World reference of use. Mathematica code is included there
Udo, Your use of Fold[] was a neat bit of programming. When I worked through this approach it gave In[105]:= p=.;s=.; s=(((((((((p*1.02-500)*1.02-673)*1.02-245)*1.02-345)*1.02-245)*1.02-674)*1.02-425)*1.02-145)*1.02-37)*1.02-423; Solve[s==0,p] ...