User Portlet User Portlet

> Ideally I want to have these image files in folders If you are dealing with image files, then there is a nice solution: instead of using images, use the filename to the image instead (and try use JPG: this is the fastest out-of-core format). So:...
So I can control the Learning rate with the following parameter setting on the Method: - LearningRate - LearningRateSchedule Not really sure what are reasonable values for each, particularly the later. I can also mitigate the issue of...
11.1.0 is the version I have been using the last few months. The other version, 11.1.1 just came available in the last couple weeks, and for Wolfram Desktop in the last week I think.
Sebastian, So the documentation of should be helpful for using DL in Mathematica 11.1?
Bryan, Thanks for the follow up. I will look into this and let you know what I find out.