User Portlet User Portlet

Calle E
Having been involved in the Mathematica Stack Exchange community for many years, there was one thing that I felt was sorely missing; a place to share Mathematica tutorials. Mathematica Stack Exchange, as you know, follows strictly the Q&A format. ...
Note: I originally posted a [version of this tutorial]( on Mathematica StackExchange. I was encouraged to make this crosspost and realized that a few things had changed since I wrote the original...
[][1] launched today. It aims to make it easier to share and find packages, so please check it out and add your packages or packages that you know of. **Update 24/10/2015**: The site has improved greatly since its first release and...
I have recently published the [Mathematica Toolbox][1], a WordPress plugin for website owners who sometimes write about Mathematica. I hope that someone here will find it useful. For details please see the WordPress plugin page. Here is a quick...
I'm having trouble getting the Device functions to work with Arduinio. I'm hoping that someone can help me find out what is wrong. The circuit is very simple, with three resistors and three LEDs. I'm trying to turn them on with pin 5, 6 and 7. This...
I've been searching the documentation of Mathematica for information on XML template tags, and I've searched the internet for examples and demonstrations, but I haven't found any. Where can I find information about XML template tags? For example I...
**This issue resolved itself.** ---------- I set up a circuit with just one LED light (i.e. like [this][1] but simpler). DeviceWrite works perfectly, which I know thanks to the LED light. However, every time I try to use DeviceRead it turns the...
Is there any setting that could be used to improve the results of TransformedRegion? For some transformations it appears to perform very poorly by default. Below is one example taken from [MMA.SE][1] (the transformation function specifically is...