User Portlet User Portlet

The following code and image shows that the FrameStyle directive of a LogPlot does not show correctly when exported to SVG (tickmarks on vertical axis are missing), but does show properly for JPG. Plot shows correctly when exported SVG and JPG....
It appears that ThermodynamicData has the incorrect reference state for carbon dioxide. [Span and Wagner (1996)][1] define the reference state of CO2 for which entropy and enthalpy are zero to have pressure 0.101325 MPa and temperature 298.15 K...
This function calculates the entropy of saturated vapor by taking the limit as the pressure approaches the saturation pressure from below. However, `sSatVapor[0.85]` returns Limit[obj$3516393[m], m -> 1, Direction -> 1]. Thanks. ...
This function is supposed to return the pressure corresponding to an entropy (s) and temperature (t). Instead the function just returns the initial guess in FindRoot. What's wrong? Thanks. pressure[s_Real, t_Real] := ...
Ok. Why doesn't the background of the framed legend hide the gridlines? I'm running version Thanks. ContourPlot[{y^2 == 2 x, x == Sqrt[\[Pi]] y/2 Exp[y^2/4] Erf[y/2]}, {x, 0, 20}, {y, 0, 3}, GridLines -> All, ...
I want to use standard engineering notation, so I use Symbolize[] to define a symbol q'' (q double prime) for the heat flux (heat transfer rate per unit area) as a composite of the letter q and double prime (actually two aliased single quotes:...