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I think there's a missing $\frac{1}{n!}$ in your formula, and I think your derivatives aren't correct. At any rate, in Mathematica you can just use [`SeriesCoefficient`]( ...
The issue is that: D[f[3 x], x] (*3 f'[3 x]*) and: f'[3 x] (*f'[3 x]*) are not the same thing.
Include an assumption that ? is positive: Series[Cas2a[?], {?, 0, 1}, Assumptions -> ? > 0] //TeXForm $$\frac{\sqrt{\frac{-p+p \left(-\log \left(\frac{1}{p+1}\right)\right)-\log \left(\frac{1}{p+1}\right)}{p (p+1)^2}}}{\phi }-\frac{(p+1)...
Two things: 1. Change `root` to `syn` in: ``` synlinks=DeleteDuplicatesBy[WikipediaData[root, "LinksRules","MaxLevelItems"->3,"MaxLevel"->3],Sort]; ``` 2. Using `Style[s, TextAlignment->Left]` uses the default linebreaking...
To color the labels, you can use Placed, e.g.: MeshCellLabel -> {0 -> Placed["Index", "Centroid", Style[#, Red] &], 2 -> Placed["Index", "Centroid", Style[#, Green] &]} will make the point labels red and the face labels green.
I would just include the ODE for `w` in your first ODE: aa = .4; sol = NDSolve[{-4 + 4/y[s]^2 - y[s]^2 + y[s]^4 + y'[s]^2 == 0, y[0] == 1.207, w'[s] == Sqrt[y[s]^2 + 2], w[0] == 0}, {y[s], w[s]}, {s, 0, aa}]; ...
The following won't work for multigraphs, but it is faster for the other graphs: elist[g_Graph] := With[ {sa = UpperTriangularize @ WeightedAdjacencyMatrix[g, EdgeWeight->Range@EdgeCount@g]}, ...
You can just use a Style wrapper instead of Interpretation + ExpressionCell: PasteButton["1/3", Style[expr, StripOnInput -> True, NumberMarks -> False]]
I would do the following: B[[Permute[Ordering[B[[All,{2,3}]]], Ordering[A[[All,{2,3}]]]]]]
You could try using [`Activate`]([`Inactivate`]( For instance: Activate @ Simplify @ Inactivate[ {{c20->Function[{u},2^-Pe (2^Pe...