User Portlet User Portlet

Nice exemple for studying evaluation process, thanks
I tried to change the Notebook magnification. Problem persist. The Frame comes and go's when I zoom the Graphics window (click and drag corner of orange rectangle)
Version 13.2.1 for Microsoft Windows (64-bit) (January 27, 2023) Release ID (8224570, 2023012717827) Patch Level 0 My actual screen resolution settings are: In[3]:= SystemInformation["Devices", "ScreenInformation"] ...
Hello, I'm using Version 13 now and after one year I tried again to use SendMail. Same error. The incoming mail functions are working! I walked again thru all the documentation and Community site. No inspiration. The failure message is very...
Hello, I hoped that a bug in ResourceFunction["GraphNeighborhoodVolumes"] would be solved in version Wolfram/One 13.0. &[Wolfram Notebook][1] But it 's still there! The radius parameter r=1 gives wrong result. This problem is already been...
Thanks gentlemen, this solved my problem
Thank you Neil.
Some extra information. The Kx3 file is quite big, 2.5MB. I can open this file in the Cloud explorer (3456x3456 pix). In[20]:= FileByteCount["Kx3.jpg"] Out[20]= 2554372 The information of the session limits and "successful" ...
Geo SHP-data from official Belgium site contains sector regions. So I need to combine sectors to obtain city regions. The sectors are defined as Polygons, list of Polygons and FilledCurves. These elements must be combined to form one Polygon per...
I had a similar problem. x11002 is a mixed list {Polygon....,{Polygon,...},FilledCurve...} describing sectors of a city. Coming from an SHP import. I wanted to get only the shape of to the contour of the city. x11002a = ...