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Christopher Wolfram
Nice post! I also like your blog post about anagrams. I think there are actually a few ways you could make this a bit quicker. First, for anagram finding, you can do something like this Select[ToLowerCase@DictionaryLookup[],...
I believe the OpenSSL command line utility cannot directly generate that key from that password. The password parameter of GenerateSymmetricKey is passed to a key derivation function called [scrypt][1]. It looks like scrypt was recently added to...
I'm not sure if I completely understand what are asking for, but it seems like there might not be a unique solution to this problem. For example, that dark blue road could come out of the vertex it does (the 8th from the right on the red road), but...
If you wanted to do that in Mathematica, you could write this, Integrate[Cos[x], {x, -Pi/2, Pi/2}] which returns 2.
Ah, I think I see what you're saying. If you just want to remove the final layers and replace them with your own, you can do something like this: NetChain[{ (*the parts of the net you want to keep*) Take[net, 7], ...
Those are really nice looking! These actually remind me of this: [Behind the Scenes at the National Museum of Mathematics Meta-Logo][1] [1]:...
Based on Eric's solution, Query (and Dataset) actually have a concise syntax for what is essentially MapAt: Dataset[families]["smith", "ratios", All, {"height" -> (2 # &)}] There might be a slightly less recursive way of writing this next...
That's awesome! After reading this I downloaded the data and did some processing of my own. I focused a bit on the names given to colors. Starting off similar to you (including the code just so that any small differences won't cause confusion)...
You can actually do this much more simply. You can get the outside edges of each region by running this: Colorize@MorphologicalComponents[ MorphologicalPerimeter[Binarize[map, {0.225, 0.275}]], CornerNeighbors -> False]If you want...
CDF does not allow input fields because if you could you could create a free version of Mathematica using the CDF player.