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Hi just an update on this. The reason that the computation wasn't symmetric was that the previous chosen convention was only asymptotically symmetric. I have now modified this such that the case for `AlternativeHypothesis->"Unequal"` is symmetric...
Good to hear! It inspires me "finish" the documentation of the LSA monad...
Hello everybody! Since the end of last week, I can't get financial data associated with Orange (or ORA.PA), which suddenly became an unknown entity. I met this issue for the first time, and I have no idea how to fix it! &[Wolfram Notebook][1] ...
Krishan, maybe Pade-approximation might be an option, e.g.: func[\[Phi]_] := (2000/7) (-Log[1/5])^(1/2) (1 - \[Phi]) (-Log[1 - \[Phi]])^(1/2) Simplify[PadeApproximant[func[\[Phi]], {\[Phi], 0, 3}]]
Changing the Magnification parameter (lower left corner of active notebook window: 100%) accidentally happens by zooming the screen resolution via tapping the touchpad with two fingers. Try the two finger stretch and observe the the lower left of...
Hi Claude. you have to express the two points in quaestion in spherical coordinates. Show[{SphericalPlot3D[ Sin[Theta]*f[Theta, Phi] /. {a -> 1, b -> 1, c -> 1}, {Theta, 0, Pi}, {Phi, 0, 2 Pi}, PlotStyle ->...
Hi David! You could also try Loess : ` , read that post about SMOOTHING splines ...
Ah, silly me. Thanks Claude!
Thanks. Any suggestion to find the enclosed volume, other than the Integration which I tried.
Thanks, Eric; in fact, it is merely a problem of missing data, not of date! I've been confused by the diagnosis of Mathematica: Failure[DateObject, Association[ "MessageTemplate" :> MessageName[DateObject, "str"], ...