User Portlet User Portlet

Christian Neel
I tested the example Series[ArcTan[A + 1/x], {x, 0, 2}, Assumptions -> A > 0 && x > 0] on two versions of Mathematica: 1) with Mathematica : I get answer Pi/2 - x + A x²+... 2) with Mathematica 12.1.1 : I get the answer Pi/2...
Great post and a good source of inspiration for graphics representations! Thanks for sharing. Deserves a Staff Pictk in my opinion.
Thanks! That is exactly what I did. In that case I could use the Predict function and try various implementation functions (NeuralNet, ClosestNeighbor, etc) and variable subset as learning data. In most cases I get pretty well decoupled outputs that...
Better hurry before Brexit :)
Impressive, it is really like working on a "real" session! Thank you very much for sharing this. Christian
So I guess you need to define a function and then evaluate: In[67]:= data Out[67]= {73.284, 56.1426, 56.781, 11.0764, 75.6524, 21.7474, \ 38.2588, 12.4285, 63.7419, 48.5597} In[68]:= Clear[f, g] (*simplest*) ...
I checked on my web user portal: if you subscribed to the Service Plus, all previous versions seems available for download with their registration keys. Christian
In answer to your first question, you can use a list of conditional replacement rule: phases = {0, -45, -90, -135, -180, -225, -270} phases /. {x_ /; x x + 360, x_ /; x > +180 -> x - 360} gives: {0, -45, -90, -135, -180, 135, 90} ...
Hi again Ian, Thanks for the feedback! About SocketConnect I had the info but since I wrote the package with the version 10.1 (I think) I never took the time to rewrite it after that. But you are right SocketConnect and readLine are probably the...
Done. See : [here][1] [1]: