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Hi I wanted to run Mathmetica script from windows task scheduler, so I created two files, Test.nb file containing the Mathematica code to export a graph like below resultChart = JuliaSetPlot[0.365 - 0.37 I]; ...
Thanks I think it was not a trivial question
If you want to send me your notebook, or the simplest version of it - and it has all the necessary initializations so it will evaluate - maybe I can give some more explicit suggestions. My email is in my profile. Your work might easily develop...
You can add definitions to InverseLaplaceTransform by something like: Unprotect[InverseLaplaceTransform] InverseLaplaceTransform[s_^-a_, a_, t_] := outcome But be careful what you redefine, if you do it wrong it can lead to disastrous...
The 4565pt2RevisedSimplexMethod.nb downloadable on internet is a step by step implementation of the revised simplex method very usefull for teaching. I am trying to typeset it in french. Until Iteration 2 all is fine, but from In[32] the behavior...
Dear Cyrille, the input Table[Solve[x^2 + m x == 0.2, x], {m, 0, 1, 0.1}] gives [mcode]{{{x -> -0.447214}, {x -> 0.447214}}, {{x -> -0.5}, {x -> 0.4}}, {{x -> -0.558258}, {x -> 0.358258}}, {{x -> -0.621699}, {x -> 0.321699}}, {{x...