User Portlet User Portlet

I think yes, they were AI-generated replies.
Seth is presenting a [Wolfram-U webinar]( on the book.
Recently I tried updating this map using the current data file ("climdiv-tmpccy-v1.0.0-20220804.txt") and it didn't work. I found that NOAA is now including data from Alaska in the master file, whereas previously the Alaskan data was in a separate...
I think they would have mention the details, if they worth mentioning.
It seems only if it is passed in an unreduced form ClearAll@f f[r_Rational] := r f[Internal`RationalNoReduce[2, 4]] (* 2/4 *)
I have exactly the same issue. Running Mathematica on Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz this is my result - 12.1: "BenchmarkResult" -> 2.951, "TotalTime" -> 4.69 - 12.2: "BenchmarkResult" -> 2.643, "TotalTime" -> 5.23 I've found, in...
You can get the data directly by using this resource function: For example: ResourceFunction["CaliforniaCOVID19Data"]["Cases"]
I used the resource above with data from Pennsylvania Secretary of State --- I entered the ballots counted for Trump and Biden up through November 3rd in Pennsylvania. Trump 2,730,751 - Biden 1,408,658. Trump won 66 of 67 counties the first...
Yes, you are right! [][1] [1]: