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Hi, your spec didn't seem quite consistent, but hopefully the code below will give you some ideas, particularly with the use of Accumulate and TakeWhile. g[2] = {2, 4}; g[i_] := Nest[Join[#, g[i - 1]] &, g[i - 1], Prime[i] - 1] ... |
You can use BSplineFunction to obtain points for your curve. For example: [mcode]C1 = {{-1.1690100430416068`, -0.31160297136810944`}, {-0.7472022955523672`, 0.22232503065839815`}, {-0.24505021520803427`, 0.8955385984309512`}, ... |
This seems to do the trick:- [mcode]data = {{{2006, 10, 1}, 1}, {{2006, 10, 30}, 3}, {{2006, 11, 20}, 8}}; DateListPlot[data, Joined -> True, Axes -> True, Frame -> False, Epilog -> Inset[Style[Grid[{{a, b, c}, {x, y^2, z^3}}, Frame -> All], ... |
Here is an example solution: data = Table[{Cos[t], Sin[t]}, {t, Range[0, 2 Pi, 0.01]}]; ListLinePlot[data, AspectRatio -> 1, Filling -> 0][img=width: 200px; height:... |
You can obtain the FX rates from the Federal Reserve with this code: [mcode]lastpricedate = "04/10/2014"; fxdownload = Import@StringJoin[ ... |