User Portlet User Portlet

Can you embed a marker in the first "A" like "keepA" and remove it ("keep") after the Graphics evaluates? (perhaps first disabling the association so it doesn't apply on any following evaluation)? There is an efficient way to read an expr without...
Ahh!!! Thank you very much, now I understand. That answers (indirectly) my question. Thank you!
Paradox: Nothing can make False true, but False makes everything true. Go figure.
Here are some of my ideas regarding preferences in style, which I believe are discordant with some of the current Wolfram practice. Style is a matter of taste so many may differ from my suggestions but I do try to give reasons. Some suggestions may...
I think the standard way to do this is to create an init.m file in the FrontEnd/Kernel folder. Then in the init.m file you read in all the packages that make part of the application and do anything else you may need to do as part of the initiation.. ...
Thanks. I have been proceeding with Graphics, and it is not as laborious as I had feared. I appreciate the full control it gives me over the layout, as I try to tune the appearance. The resources you link to sound very interesting.
Hi Richard, Thanks very much for your suggestion. You'd code does almost exactly what I'm looking for. I've taken the liberty of making a couple of minor modifications which (a) make the implementation a bit quicker to use, and (b) provide two...
Here is the Mariusz's plot from 0 to 2Pi with the point.
Hello, I am also trying to use the time dilation tool for a supermassive black hole, specifically, TON 618, which has approximately 66 Billion solar masses. However. I continue to get imaginary numbers. Here is the rundown: ![So this gives us...
Yeah but this can get mad expensive for something not worth the cost, unless you write a dispatch API to 5000 free cloud accounts to make use of their 5000 free cloud credits. [D3 is definitely the way to...