User Portlet User Portlet

David Keith
# Introduction This Mathematica code determines the component values for a low-pass active filter implemented using the Sallen-Key architecture. The filter will be a second order Chebyshev filter of type 1. This filter offers a steep cut off at the...
The documentation for BodePlot lists FeedbackType as an option. It states that for BodePlot[lsys], lsys is wrapped in a feedback loop before plotting, with the default being negative feedback. When I read this I was horrified -- Why would I want...
This post is a summary of a problem identified in a longer post on Mathematica StackExchange which can be found [here][1]. The issue identified is inaccurate numerical simulation provided by the function OutputResponse applied to a...
It looks useful, but . . . . Plot the Arg of a complex expression: tf = 1000/(s + 1000); Plot[Arg[tf /. s -> w I], {w, 10, 100000}, PlotRange -> All, ScalingFunctions -> {"Log", "Linear"}] ![enter image description here][1] ...
I have been using Mathematica 11.3 to analyze experimental data in the form of FITS format images. In 11.3, Import[filename] evauated to an image. In 12.0, it seems to evaluate to an association: ![enter image description here][1] So this has...
I recently installed Workbench 2 on my laptop. I am running Win7 Pro x64. I followed the instructions on the Wolfram site: I installed Java JDK version 8 build 192 (current) Then Eclipse Java IDE 2018-09 version 4.9.0 I then added the Wolfram...
In the File menu there is an opportunity to open a file as a package using File/New/Package. That opens a specialized GUI with the option to run and debug code. When we look up documentation on this here is what we get: ![help entry][1] Does...
The code below (and attached) creates a hierarchical dataset in which the top-level keys map to a list of associations. The intent is to be able to perform an efficient structured access to data. But my attempts to access the data result in errors....
This is a bit convoluted, and I've attached 4 files that are a simple example. The issue is this: I have a need to make use of a list of associations for fast lookup inside a Package implementation. To do this, I have produced the list in a...
When I view this site on my laptop, I see a posting I made 2 hours ago. But if I open the site on my ipad, that posting does not yet appear. Why does the content depend on the device used to view the site? Is it in the site, in the device, or...