User Portlet User Portlet

David Keith
In the contest of this post, I may want to point to this here [Installing Mathematica under 64-bit Kali Linux on a Raspberry Pi][1] First it lists stumbling blocks that may also arise in different contexts (a user must be member of the `video`...
Very clever and useful hack. Thank you for the code.
Right, so you could do something like: ParallelAxisPlot[{data[[{1, 2, 3, 7}]], data[[{4, 5, 6, 9}]], data[[{8}]]}, AxesLabel -> header, PlotLegends -> {"Sony", "Nikon", "Canon"}] ![enter image description here][1] and see that...
Yes, you are right! [][1] [1]:
Thank you Rohit and Ahmed for the nice instructions.
I agree. And PlotGrid is a very good example.
Bill, That is very nice. I will remember that!
Thank you a lot. It succesfully work.
Would you consider submitting it to the Function Repository?
Yes -- easy for Mathematica: (* the list of equations *) eqs = { d - g == a (d - 1) + b (d - 1)^2 + c (d - 1)^3, e - h == a (e - 1) + b (e - 1)^2 + c (e - 1)^3, f - j == a (f - 1) + b (f - 1)^2 + c (f - 1)^3 ...