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David Keith
From the documentation: "NSolve deals primarily with linear and polynomial equations." But you can use FindRoot: eq = Exp[n*h[u - Total[t]/n, 1 - u]] == a/2; u /. FindRoot[eq, {u, .08}] (* 0.0879318507538185` *)
The Gaussian trends toward zero at +/- infinity, but the data is clearly trending toward a non-zero value.
This is really useful! I hope that the most often used functions will be considered for inclusion in the Wolfram Language.
Hi Roberto, There are two problems in your code: 1. The table xmpardata needs to contain pairs which describe the value of x and the value of the model evaluated at x. Your table contains lists of only one element. 2. The FindFit function...
Hi Ed, I can confirm this. V11.3 is a bit faster, but both 11.3 and 12 produce the unstable response. It is clearly an error. RootLocusPlot confirms the system is stable with k=1: tfm = TransferFunctionModel[k 1/(s (s + 1)^2 + k), s]; ...
The documentation for BodePlot lists FeedbackType as an option. It states that for BodePlot[lsys], lsys is wrapped in a feedback loop before plotting, with the default being negative feedback. When I read this I was horrified -- Why would I want...
This post is a summary of a problem identified in a longer post on Mathematica StackExchange which can be found [here][1]. The issue identified is inaccurate numerical simulation provided by the function OutputResponse applied to a...
It looks useful, but . . . . Plot the Arg of a complex expression: tf = 1000/(s + 1000); Plot[Arg[tf /. s -> w I], {w, 10, 100000}, PlotRange -> All, ScalingFunctions -> {"Log", "Linear"}] ![enter image description here][1] ...
There is a further problem with this. In version 12 importing an "Image" from a FITS file imports an invalid image. To import a valid image, one needs to use `Image/@Import["Fiber005.fits", {"Data", 1}];` Essentially importing the data and...
The Dirac delta function is a Monster. It must be kept in a cage, called an integrand. Outside the cage, it makes no more sense than the Jabberwock. Inside the cage it may be tamed: Integrate[DiracDelta[x - a] f[x], {x, -Infinity,...