User Portlet User Portlet

"I gather the WQF supports traditional QM formatting for output, should one wish to do that. Is your issue that there is not support for bra-let and related infix such as tensor product for inputs?" Daniel , thats all I am asking , WQF supports...
Is the paclet up and running . Tried all the methods above on my Mathematica 13 and its not downloading.
I second that , The best WolframU course so far ......
can somebody please confirm if recording was made?
I have used both methods (full-form and icons) to represent entities in q 17 . If I run my code I get the correct answer, but if I "Check my solution" , it runs for a while then kicks out without the "try again " button and goes back to the "Check...
If you do a search on the keyword "ProgrammingLanguage" it takes you straight to the Entity . The keyword is overloaded but you will not know it from that search ![enter image description here][1] [1]:...
Andries Do you get a solution to work with Ex 2.3 . What operating system are you using. I am using Windows 10. I have followed your advice and removed all blanks and created my vowels and consonants using Alphabet[] but still no joy.