User Portlet User Portlet

Dariia Porechna
As for how quantum computers could affect cryptography: elliptic curves on which most of the blockchains are based on are theoretically vulnerable to quantum algorithms. Blockchains rely their security on elliptic curves signatures, so one obvious...
Hi Peter, I don’t know what value did you use for mod, but my first guess would be that Keccak512 produces a value that is too big and so overflows, I believe this or next lesson mentions this flaw. Bear in mind that this is a very simplistic RSA...
Wow this is neat!
Rohit is right. Another option, you can use [HMAC][1] [1]:
&[Wolfram Notebook][1] [1]:
These are really good advices, thank you!
This is it: Graphics@ Table[{Thick, Dotted, Hue[r/360, 1, 1, .4], Line[{{Cos[31 r Degree], Sin[31 r Degree]}, {Cos[39 r Degree], Sin[ 39 r Degree]}}]}, {r, 0, 360, 1}] Also looks great in black and...