User Portlet User Portlet

Actually on my home network (where I now am) it seems to be trying to evaluate... going very slow (as these cloud data computations often go-often -making them difficult to use for computationally intensive work) And the progress box under says...
I'd also comment that, although some people enjoy using Wolfram Workbench as a conventional IDE for writing large (or medium or small) Mathematica Packages, the notebook interface is also well suited for this and has some significant advantages...
Best to use the tools at the top of the input area to paste code into a code area... Of course your code cannot be tested with out the external file you are using... But to your question, simply use an `If` statement that tests whether the...
If your requirement is that the user cannot change the notebook options which implement what you need, then I think that the general answer is that it cannot be done. But, that said, there are all sorts of ways to implement a way to either make the...
There is an example for this in the documentation for `Filling` under Scope/Filling Limits that suggests how to join the two sets of data points. DateListPlot[ksyrMinMax, Joined -> False, Filling -> {1 -> {2}}]
This requires pretty sophisticated user interface programming. In the case you show, the developer created custom code for it. The short version is to make use of a DockedCell, and program the functionality of each pulldown menu in it as you desire....
Just as a random thought for debugging this, check to see in the first case if the symbols defined in the package also exist in the Global` context. This may lead to nothing....
Notebook history would have nothing to do this this--calculation history is contained in Mathematica memory for the current session, not in the notebook. If you have 3D graphics then one can get very large notebooks. If you remove all output...
This is a very complex question in the current version of Mathematica. There still is no simple way to create distributable code that can be attached easily to a password for each intended user. There are approaches that I have used, but they are...
Well, I had to do some digging through the Documentation Center to accrete insight. And I ultimately found it in the Documentation for `FormFunction` under `scope/controls` in this example: CloudDeploy[ FormFunction[{"x" -> "String", ...