User Portlet User Portlet

I was asked to look into a part of NTPD (Network Time Protocol Daemon) for the NTP (Network Time Protocol) Foundation. Imagining one client and one server, NTP works as follows: ![Client-Server Relationship][1] In words, at time T1 (origin)...
Mathematica has a short tutorial entitled "Arbitrary-Precision Numbers." You can find it by searching for "tutorial/ArbitraryPrecisionNumbers" in Help/Wolfram Documentation or by typing SetPrecision, highlighting it, pressing F1, then find the...
I need the Transverse Cylindrical Equal-Area project for a map. Mathematica supplies the Cylindrical Equal-Area projection, but not its transverse. Does anyone know how to manipulate the Cylindrical Equal-Area projection to produce its transverse?
Can anyone tell me why this Hyperlink command Hyperlink[{"Distributions.nb", "file://d:\\DOCUME~1\\CHARLE~1\\MYDOCU~1\\Statistics\\WalpoleAndMyers\\Ch6\\Distributions.nb"}]fail with the following message: "The file you tried to open...