User Portlet User Portlet

I am trying to solve numerically the diffusion equation $\partial_t P(x,t)=\partial_x^2 P(x,t)+ \partial_x V'(x)P(x,t)$. I have a potential that diverges at zero: $V(x)=4((1/x^4)-(1/x^2))$, therefore, I want to set a reflecting wall at, say xc=0.5,...
How do I make the labels parallel to the axes (like in Matlab), when I plot in Mathematica? It seems that the default of AxesLabel is to place the 'y' label on to of the axis, and parallel to the "floor". Thanks!
Hey, I have a very "heavy" calculation, which I want to speed-up. How do I tell Mathematica to evaluate "Plot" with specific spacing, say 0.1 by 0.1 to 0.9? Instead of Plot[Func., {x,0.1,0.9}] which let's it choose the spacing itself? In...