User Portlet User Portlet

It's not working for me, but thanks for the update. I wonder if I need to reset my Mathematica installation i.e.
I've switched our "License" extension over to an "Asset" extension. It makes more sense. Thanks for pointing it out! The documentation is easier to browse now; I had been primarily using Todd Gayley's cloud notebook:...
Thanks for the stack exchange link. I'm aware of `obj["Properties"]` but apparently today I just learned about `obj["Methods"]` thanks again for the information and your posts.
Mathematica 12.1 does support Metal. From John Fultz's WTC 2019 presentation: > Metal for macOS (upgraded from OpenGL 4.1)
From [@Todd Gayley][at0]'s tutorial [here][1], you're supposed to be able to set `Updating -> Automatic` in PacletInfo.wl and the Paclet will update automatically. However, I found your post because that has not been my experience. Since this is a 3...
I was looking for a way to paste from Excel into `TableView`. I can do it with an `InputField` like this... TableView Expression: tableViewExpr = TableView[Dynamic[tab]] InputField expression: inputFieldExpr = InputField[ ...
My colleague reported this issue to Wolfram support back in February. The Prerelease team said older versions of R were working on their computers. They sent the information over to the developers though. I don't think we've heard back since then....
The notebook attachment isn't a valid link anymore. [@Emerson Willard][at0], Could you upload it again? [at0]:
Did you get an answer to this question? I recently put my package into a paclet and don't know how to control which one loads. Do I have to provide the full path now when I do `Get["mypackage"]`?
Thanks for the correction. I also found that StringReplace works well too, about the same performance: convertString[dateTime_]:=With[{ns=NumberString}, StringReplace[{m:ns~~"/"~~d:ns~~"/"~~y:ns~~" "~~h:ns~~":"~~min:ns~~":"~~s:ns~~"...