User Portlet User Portlet

Erik Mahieu
We now have a collection of creative post about “Rolling Shutter”. Here is the full current list for them: Airplane propellers imaged with a rolling shutter Rolling Shutter III ...
We now have a collection of creative post about “Rolling Shutter”. Here is the full current list for them: Airplane propellers imaged with a rolling shutter Imaging a rotating disk with a...
This is a great post on anamorphic transforms. There is also an anamorphic skull in Holbein's picture called the Ambassadors in the National Gallery in London, see Michael
Congratulations! Your post was highlighted on the Wolfram's official social media channels. Thank you for your contribution. We are looking forward to your future posts. - [Twitter][1] - [Facebook][2] [1]:...
It's an interesting spacial illusion, and I can see how this sort of thing can be used to prevent accidents such as bumping into things, with a lot of application.
I tried to make my own ranked list of the submissions, but couldn't figure out how (it's subjective), so I guess if you're worried about not winning, don't, because there's another analysis saying that you're all great community art posters. Just a...
Hello Erik, I am very curious about your project, and was wondering if we could communicate over pm for some questions that I have? Thank you.
Congratulations! Your post was highlighted on the Wolfram's official social media channels. Thank you for your contribution. We are looking forward to your future posts. - [Twitter][1] - [Facebook][2] [1]:...
Thanks for your reply Arnaud. As suggested by Daniel, it appears better in some cases to rephrase the function than to Compile it.
Thanks for all your useful remarks. here is an article by Ioanna Symeonidou of 2016: "[Anamorphic Experiences in 3D Space: Shadows, Projections and Other Optical Illusions][1]" that inspired me a lot. There seems to be an endless variety of...