User Portlet User Portlet

Thank you for your version, Chris. Of course my code is very sloppy. The short version is[mcode]components =   MorphologicalComponents[    MorphologicalPerimeter[Binarize[image, {0.225, 0.275}],     CornerNeighbors -> True], 0, CornerNeighbors ->...
I like the function DistanceTransform. If you are lazy enough, this function provides a lot of "cheap" solutions for complex geometrical problems. For example, one can find the closest pair between two arbitrary set if pixels:[mcode]dimensions =...
Is it what you want?[mcode]points = Transpose[{Table[      Cos[1/2 \[Theta]], {\[Theta], 0, \[Pi], \[Pi]/2000}],     Table[Sin[\[Theta]]^2, {\[Theta], 0, \[Pi], \[Pi]/2000}],     Table[Sin[3 \[Theta]]^3, {\[Theta], 0, \[Pi], \[Pi]/2000}]}]; ...
I wouldn't say "correct". JPEG is not a representation it is a lossy compression algorithm, thus the command "Save as JPEG" equals to "delete some infomation". But it is a mystery for me why the option "CompressionLevel" -> 0 results in a file which...
One more comment. In order to extract position you can use:morph = ImageMultiply[ImageMultiply[minFilter, 10], ImageMultiply[GaussianFilter[MorphologicalBinarize[ImageMultiply[minFilter, 10]],5], 2]]and then[mcode]ImageAdd[image,...
There is possibility that you do not have scanner at the moment and you made a photo of a document with your camera. Here is a small program how you can improve the photo especially if there is nonuniform light and shadows. I found the key idea in...
I tried inpaiting for a very simple example with grid lines and as expected it doesn't work well:[mcode]SetDirectory[NotebookDirectory[]]; initial = Import["Notebook...