User Portlet User Portlet

I am learning how to use Mathematica to solve PDEs. As a learning activity I put together the attached notebook to solve the heat equation for an annular space that contains heating/cooling tubes. At this point I am only implementing Dirichlet...
Working with NDSolve trying to define a boundary condition that is a function of time. I did this using a piecewise definition in a DirichletCondition statement. But when I run NDSolve it says the statement can not be parsed and is ignored. Is...
Working with the pde numeric solvers. If I use a statement like: sol = NDSolveValue[{op == 0, pbc, Subscript[\[CapitalGamma], Dc]}, u, {x, y} \[Element] \[CapitalOmega]] I will get back an interpolating function and I can do...
Thanks that is exactly what I was looking for.
I found a work around. Solve[{Log[D1[Q, 900 + 273.15, D0, 9.62*10^-5]] == Log[1.3*10^-13], Log[D1[Q, 650 + 273.15, D0, 9.62*10^-5]] == Log[5.5*10^-16]}] Output is correct: {{D0 -> 0.0000756184, Q -> 2.27762}} I would...
Thank you thank you thank you......
I am trying to modify the following recursive function. EX[n_] := EX[n] = EX[n - 1]*x^n EX[1] := x This code works and provides output such as. In[194]:= EX[7] Out[194]= x^28 What I would like is a function that...
I am very new to this so a simple explanation would be helpful. using some of the mathematica tutorials I have learned to define functions using the notation p[x, y] := xy. However, in further reading and looking at the documentation I have found...