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Fabrizio Frezza
"La Sapienza" University of Rome
BLOG: Not indicated

Fabrizio Frezza was born in Rome, Italy, on October 31, 1960. He received the “Laurea” (degree) “cum laude” in Electronic Engineering in 1986 and the Doctorate degree in Applied Electromagnetics and Electrophysical Sciences in 1991, both from “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy. In 1986, he joined the Department of Electronics of the same University, where he was Researcher from 1990 to 1998, temporary Professor of Electromagnetic Fields from 1994 to 1998, Associate Professor from 1998 to 2004, and he has been Full Professor of Electromagnetic Fields since 2005. Fabrizio Frezza has been Member of the Board of the European School of Antennas (ESoA) since 2005: he is in charge of the Course “Leaky Waves and Periodic Structures for Antenna Applications”. He is member of the Research Center for Nanotechnologies applied to Engineering (CNIS), of the Research Center for Aerospace (CRAS), of the International Research Center on Mathematics and Mechanics of Complex Systems (M&MOCS), and of the Microwave Engineering Center for Space Applications (MECSA). He is member of the Scientific Council of the Dianax Study Group. He is the author of two textbooks on basic and advanced electromagnetics (also available on-line). His research activity has concerned guiding structures, antennas and resonators for microwaves and millimeter waves, numerical methods, scattering, optical propagation, plasma heating, anisotropic media, artificial materials and metamaterials. He is author of about 400 scientific papers and author or editor of 4 scientific books. Fabrizio Frezza has belonged to the Editorial Board of IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. He belongs to the Scientific Council of the Italian Journal of Composites and Nanotechnologies. He has also served as a reviewer for many international journals. He is the Director of the Book Series on Electromagnetics and Optics of the Aracne Editions. He is a Senior Member of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), a Member of OSA (Optical Society of America), of Sigma Xi, and of Metamorphose Virtual Institute. Fabrizio Frezza received the “Giovanni Carosio” Prize in 1986, the “Giorgio Barzilai” Prize in 1994, the “Sapienza Ricerca” Prize in 2010, and the “Best Paper Award” at International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation in 2012. A paper of his has been rewarded at the 2013 International (URSI) Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory.