User Portlet User Portlet

Yes, this indeed works for me, thank you.
I know, that the solutions Mathematica gives are indeed solutions, but I also know, that it is not a complete set of solutions. My question is: Is there any other solution Mathematica missed, or y[x]=1/x is the only one missed? I think this is the...
Yes indeed, thank you very much for your explanation. After reading your comment, I also tried changing the points from {10,10} to {10.,10.}, which also gave the correct ordering. SortBy did something afterall, just not what I was expecting. Thanks...
Thanks for this. I tried to understand the code, but unfortunately I am new to Mathematica, I need more time. But I noticed, that when I run it on formatIt[Expand[(z + 1/z)^4], z] the constant term is missing from the output.
Thank you, this worked to some extent, but not in all the cases I need it. For example in Graphics[Arrow[ParametricPlot[{Cos[t], Sin[t]}, {t, 0, -1}][[1, 1, 3, 2]]], Axes -> True] the arrow goes to the wrong end of the curve. It goes to the...
Thank you for the detailed response. Running Mathematica with the mesa option worked. Th card is not NVIDIA, so I did not try the other solution.
Yes, indeed, thank you. I see now that Graphics needs a list of primitives, and the output of Do is not a list. I have to get used to the Mathematica language and move away from procedural thinking. Thanks, Ferenc
Yes indeed, this is exactly what I needed. Thank you very much.
Yes, I see this logic, but I still think that this is a bug in the way Manipulate is implemented. If the first argument is a Module, then the interpreter will not look for preexisting definitions for the symbols specified as local in that Module....
I am trying to fine-tune the appearance of the notes I am preparing for my students. I would like to have a menu in a docked cell in the notebook that chooses the appropriate sections in the document. I also would like to have the section numbers...