User Portlet User Portlet

Thank you David for having solved my problem, that example was really helpful for me. Now Mathematica creates the network graph. Regards Filippo
If you change your definition for U to take patterns: Clear[U]; U[x_, t_] = Sum[(An*Cos[omegan*t] + Bn*Sin[omegan*t])*Sin[n*Pi*x/L], {n, 1, 10 L}] Then Table[Plot[Evaluate[U[x, t]], {x, -10, 10},...
Thank you S M Blinder. Ok now I can solve the equation, but when i plot the result, it is totally different from which I obtain with NDSolveValue. What do you think about? Thank you Clear["Global`*"]; ...
Forget to mention that **NDSolveValue[]** can be used to generate data instead of **WhenEvent[]**. The latter is probably more suitable for more sophisticated ''events''. The modified code is a little bit cleaner and tiny bit faster: DATA = ...
Thank you Paritosh and Ivan. I have expressed L through p because of H(q,p,t)=Sum[q'[t]*p[t]] -L[q,p,t] so I wanted to solve my system in x,y,z,px,py,pz. "IndexReduction" should not be used, Mathematica gave me that suggestion because my code was...
Your force law is incorrect. For example, your force in the x-direction has only (x(t)-xi)^2 in the denominator. You need (r(t)-ri)^2. Cheers, Kevin