User Portlet User Portlet

Wonderful! The Standardize and Drop commands will help me in many other situations involving convolutions.
I have a simple 2D plot, such as a square, that I would like to transform under a function of 2 variables, F:R^2->R^2. If F is a linear or affine transformation, then I know the GeometricTransformation command can be used for the purpose, as the...
I have a weighted graph, which I would like to plot using the AdjacencyGraph command or something similar. I can easily create the picture when the graph is unweighted using the AdjacencyGraph command. Is there an option for this command that will...
I'm new to using Wolfram Alpha for teaching, having switched from Maple. When teaching calculus with Maple in our computer lab, I had students use the "changevar" command as a tool for gaining an intuition of what makes an appropriate substitution...