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Vitaliy, you are right but here FindCrossing2D will take two equations,f and g, and return all the simultaneous solutions (only the crossings!). My question was about when we have only one function such as f(x,y)!! can we put zero instead of g(x,y)?...
Dear Gianluca, i tried what you said but there was no answer from Mathematica! Please check [this page][1] cause i have same problem! [1]:...
Hi use this: PlotLegends -> Placed[LineLegend[c,LegendLabel -> "Solar Concentration"], {Scaled[{0.5, 0.5}], {0.5, 0.5}}] this method published by " Priyan Fernando" and You need to change the numbers however. goodluck
thank you is work...done!
Tnx David....So nice!
Hi Please check this: Plot[3 Sin[x], {x,-6,6},Epilog->{{Arrow[{{5,1.8}, {3,1}}], Text["E=5",{5, 2}], Arrow[{{5, 1.8},{2, 1}}],Text["E=5", {4, 2}]},Text["E=4", {-3, 2}]}]