User Portlet User Portlet

Regarding submission of Paclets to the [Wolfram Language Paclet Repository][1], a contributor is encouraged to provide a [PublisherID][2] to offset trust issues ensuing from its non-curated status. Although a personal or organizational...
Hi, I accidentally uncovered what appears to be a parsing bug within Manipulate.  The documented syntax is: Manipulate[expr, ...]where expr can be one or a compound expression, e.g.: Manipulate[exprA, ...]OR[code] ...
Catastrophically wrong documentation?  tutorial/SymbolicCalculationsWithUnits under Integrate section.  There are 4 examples of "Calculate displacement over a given time.".  All 4 examples have the same physical integrand and limits, but differing...
Hi, I just was invited to this Wolfram Community (private) Beta, and so far things look alluring.  However, I am very curious as to what WRI envisons and its intentions for this Community with respect to existing Mathematica-oriented online groups...