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A lot has happened in 8 years. But now it is easy to use VideoCombine, and plug in various Audio and Video objects in it to get a combined video with synchronised audio.
![enter image description here][1] - Congratulations! This post is now featured in our [Staff Pick][2] column as distinguished by a badge on your profile of a [Featured Contributor][3]! Thank you, keep it coming! [1]:...
Thanks, is there more information about the tuning parameters?
At the most basic level, to create a notebook navigator as Eric Schulzes did in his Calculus textbook work is to create a dockedCell with an ActionMenu where the menu items execute a function like (assuming that all of the notebooks are in the same...
[@Kyle Keane][at0] if you develop anything related I'd be very interested in seeing it. Let me know or simply post on Community about your project. BTW, there is also useful function `CharacterRange`: Multicolumn[CharacterRange[10240, 10495],...
Dear Frank,  I have had no luck yet with exporting the video. I only managed it by exporting the sound and the animation separately and then using another program to align and combine both. I see that you have posted another question regarding this...
Paul-Jean, if you use Export function to produce final web page I would consider the following: [*] Choose cell style "Program" for all code containing cells [*] Use option [b]Export[... , "MathOutput" -> "DisplayForm"][/b] ...
If you type something, a new cell is created. Now use (CTRL +. several times until the cell bracked is marked. Now use ALT+1 ALT+2 to ALT+9 to change the current cell style from  "Title" down to "Text" or "Code".