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Thanks, Fig 3 is literally just a blue grid on top of a red grid, which could still be generated by Zuse's cellular automata from the 60s ( whom I should also have mentioned. More valuable are the Poincare...
> Blockquote If you want macroscopically isotropic measure on the square grid, it's simple. Imagine that your graph is a network of identical electrical resistances, and define the distance between two points A and B as a resistance between two...
> When you intertwine two grids, Leuenberger, what edges do you create? No edges are created, the grids are instead intertwined by unifying specified pairs of nodes into single nodes. But this method of construction is only for ease of...
No, I assume that the nodes are only located in a topology that is connected according to simple rules, while the Euclidean space with its angles emerges from the graph at a large scale. Rather than grids coming together from random directions,...