User Portlet User Portlet

Gustavo Delfino
Periodogram seams to be one data point short on the frequency axis. Thus the frequencies are incorrect. With an input vector of length n, I think the periodogram should have n / 2 +1 points. The example I have should have a peak at frequency 0.2....
It’s not too difficult to figure out.
[CForm][1] could help you with the conversion. [1]:
Notice that ``` 1900. + AbsoluteTime[{2024,12,31}]/QuantityMagnitude[Quantity[1,"Years"],"Seconds"] (* 2025.03 *) ``` This seems better: ``` DateValue[{2024,12,31},"Year"] + DateValue[{2024,12,31},"YearFraction"] (* 2024.95 *) ```
In there a way to call Mathematica/WL from within LibreOffice Calc? I see that there used to be a product for OpenOffice (ancestor of LibreOffice) from Andreas Lauschke, but is seems to be no longer available: ...
We have recently released functions such as SystemModelCalibrate and SystemModelUncertaintyPlot, We are...
Try using `Block[ ]` instead of `Module[ ]`.
How about using CLTR-L "Insert Input from Above", tweak code, evaluate and repeat until no more tweaking needed?
Anton, Thanks for the update
![enter image description here][1] Hi everybody! Just about one month from now, our [online Neural Networks Boot Camp][2] will begin. This two-week boot camp will feature lectures from Wolfram instructors and developers from the machine learning...