User Portlet User Portlet

Yes, but that would not be practical for the cases I have in mind. It happens sometimes that I define functions with longer lists of optional arguments, and I find it cumbersome to always have to have to add all arguments up until the last one which...
Thank you so much!
But this only works if i want to Apply the whole list as argument, right? What for example if I have something like Table[ something , {i1,n1},{i2,n2},{i3,n3}] I want to generate {i1,n1}},{i2,n2},{i3,n3} as a sequence, and use it as...
Hi, thanks for the help. Thats not quite what I need, since zij should correspond to xi and yj. I did it this way so far: Table[{x[[i]],y[[j]],z[[i,j]]},{i,Length[x]},{j,Length[y]}] That works. I was just wondering if there was a...
Thank you both very much!
Not 100% what I was looking for, but helpful for sure, thanks!
Hi there, ocasionally I would like to comment out whole sections, containing several execution groups, from a notebook. Or even better would be to make them un-executable while maintaining their layout. The usual commenting with (* ... *)...
You are the man! ; )  Thank you very much.
Hi there, and thanks for the reply. The second thing you mentioned sounds like what I was looking for. I will try that. Thanks!
Hi everyone, and sorry for my late response! Somehow I did not get an Email notification that my question has been answered.) Thank you all very much! @ Bill Simpson: I will certainly have a look at this tutorial. Thanks! @ Sander Huisman: I...