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You can increase the default value by setting the new value for the command [for e.g. this will show 40 rows of the dataset]: Dataset`$DatasetTargetRowCount = 40 |
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} /. x_?OddQ -> 0 The help section of Mathematica is a wonderful resource to get acquainted with the rule-based programming. |
Try this- Import["C:\\Users\\agri-ghorbani\\Desktop\\data.xlsx", {"Data","Ukraine"}] |
The function should be defined as: CountCoins[coins_List] (*you have defined the pattern _Head wrongly. First letter of the "list" should be capital*) |
pos = Values[Normal[aqi[All, {"Latitude", "Longitude", "AQI"}]]] /. {lat_, long_, aqi_} :> Thread[GeoPosition[{lat, long}] -> aqi]; GeoSmoothHistogram[Association[pos], ColorFunction -> "Rainbow", Mesh -> 20, MeshStyle ->... |
a = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "test*", , "6", "7"}; If[StringMatchQ[#, NumberString],ToExpression[#],StringReplace[#, x__ ~~ "*" -> x]] & /@ DeleteCases[a, Null] This will give the output: {1, 2, 3, 4, "test", 6, 7} |
Import the CSV file data values as numeric [In your notebook they have been imported as strings] : Import["C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\Prova3.csv", "Numeric" -> True] Or use [SemanticImport][1] command. Please check the documentation for more... |
You can try this : data = {{36.867, 30.733}, {1}, {41.283, 2.067}, {2}, {41.133, 16.783}, {3}, {44.413, 8.838}, {2}, {40.977, 28.815}, {3}, {36.274, 23.017}, {1}, {36.667, -4.483}, {2}, {43.45, 5.233}, {2}, {43.658, ... |
There are number of ways to do it- Grid[Map[StringJoin,Table[{Alphabet[][[i]], Alphabet[][[j]]}, {i, 26}, {j, 26}], {2}]] or you can write- Grid[Partition[StringJoin/@Tuples[{Alphabet[], Alphabet[]}], 26]] |
If output with Strings is okay, then you can also write- IntegerString[#, 10, 3] & /@ Range[1, 100] |