User Portlet User Portlet

Hi Eric and Daniel, Thank you for your kind replies. I should have been more precise in my statement of the problem. What I was looking for was a general solution for F when R x F = M x B. (Hi Eric): The special case R x F = R x B ...
Please explain the requirements ( order of execution, compiled?, other constraints) on "Function" in BinarySearch[list, key, Func] I can define Func[x_]:= x^2 which works fine as a test example, but the function that I am trying to use...
Q1) I have been trying to import a sound.WAV file into M8 without success. I need to decipher the WAV header for # samples, sample rate, bits/sample, stereo y/n, ... I would greatly appreciate a code snipet that would accomplish this. Q2) I can...