User Portlet User Portlet

So does it mean that I have no any ability to parellelize remote kernels until I buy gridMathematica?
You should make the syntax compareble. Use Auto-Replace of your favourite plain-text editor (AkelPad is mine). Do the folowing replaces: "(" -> "[" ")" -> "]" "sin " ->"Sin" and define the functions as f[x_] := Take your tree =)[mcode]x[t_] := -2/3...
The solution is EXTREMELY simple. Thanks ProcMonC:\Users\%USERNAME%\.ssh
Isn't it Wolfram|Alpha?
This solution is not always works ideally. Somewhy Piecewise functions can have gaps while plotting. Check out this code, It can even be some faster [mcode]MembershipFunction[center_, mid_] := Module[{S, pi}, pi[x_, a_, c_] := Piecewise[{ ...
I'm surprised that Wolfram Language on RPi is also here. Looking forward to see!
Well, as I know, Arduino is quite different thing. It's just a PROTOTYPING board, not a computer. You will need to flash your code into it via USB every time you need it to be executed. RPi is a full-functional linux-based computer. You can just...
I tried to use your method, Thanks for your reply, it was extremely useful! So that's what I have[mcode]In[39]:= devicefolder = First[FileNames["28-*", {"/sys/bus/w1/devices"}]] Out[39]= "/sys/bus/w1/devices/28-000004ed47ba" In[40]:= devicefile =...
I found the easy way. I don't know how can I have it misnoticed... Evaluation -> Kernel Configuration Options
No. Can I do it by editing the corresponding option in EvaluatorNames using Option Inspector?  I guess I should treat Kernel Program string by sudo header. Raspberrian doesn't ask password for sudo from "pi" account as I remember --- upd --- It can...