User Portlet User Portlet

Hello, I am trying to handle Associations. c = 1, t -> 2, m -> 3|>|> I am using a function in order to print out the values calculate2[a_Association] := (Print[a];) calculate2[else_] := else this commando: ...
Hi again, how can I manage to upload images (e.g. JPG or PNG) to a server? f=Import["image.jpg","JPEG"] URLExecute["url", "Method" -> "PUT", "BodyData" -> f, Username->"...", Password->"..."] does not work: ...
Hello, since 2 days I monitor a strange behaviour when I open an existing NB. The command line on top (File, Edit,.....) disappears. (see Attachment --> left: Notebook A: no command line, right: Notebook B: command line). Remark: If I open...
Hello Douglas, thanks for answer! A very good solution! Cheers, Gordon