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Something like the following should display the result as you desire. FactorInteger[10!] Infix[f @@ (Superscript @@@ %), "\[CenterDot]"]
You can use the Trace[] function to see intermediate steps in the evaluation of a Mathematica expression. I often find it more instructive to apply trace to individual parts of complicated expressions. This helps to simplify interpreting the results....
For some reason, Y was not evaluated. You could check to see where the problem arises by evaluating each line in its own cell. Often just clearing the symbols, and re-running the code will solve the problem. However, I just copied your code and...
You could use ParametricPlot. Clear[x, y, t] x[t_] := t^2; y[t_] := t; ParametricPlot[{x[t], y[t]}, {t, -7, 7}]
Not sure why Interval[] is not working, but try the following. NMaximize[{Sqrt[Abs[x]]*BesselJ[1, x], 0
How about something like the following? FullSimplify[Re[thing]] % // N FullSimplify[Im[thing]] (* Root[1 - 10 #1 + 5 #1^3 &, 2] + Sin[1] *) (* 0.941979 *) (* 0 *)
Try Simplify[Conjugate[Exp[-I a e]], {a, e} \[Element] Reals]
You can probably simplify a bit. For example, since real and imaginary parts are taken from the same normal distribution, you could generate all the randoms at once, and then partition to make the next step a bit simpler. Something like the following...
Remember that you are plotting the log of your data. Try something like c = Graphics[Text["(3.5,80.21)", {3.6, Log[80.23]}]];
Other than syntax errors from omitting the underscore on the patterns in the definition of JuliaData[], it appears that you did not define the orbitlength[] function.