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Yes, ListLinePlot of a table was expected: Manipulate[ListLinePlot[Table[n^p, {n, 1, 100}]], {p, -1, 1}] Thanks for the tip. Case closed.
We'll look into it.
Or use the built-in parametrization in `KnotData`: param = KnotData["Trefoil", "SpaceCurve"]; ParametricPlot3D[ (* reflect/rotate around to get like the picture *) {1, -1, 1} RotationMatrix[{{0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}}] . param[t], ...
You can use pattern `Condition` on couples: Position[data, {x_ /; x > 2, _}]
A web search for “geometric algebra Mathematica package” turns up several hits. At least one was presented at a Wolfram Technology Conference, author being Terje Vold (I recall it being a good talk but I’ve not used the package).
Using `OptionsPattern` will provide checks automatically.
Thank you very much for your response. It may indeed be due to the "Legacy" option, but I'm still unclear about the specific effects of using "Legacy". This is because I'm not familiar with how the ValueQ function behaved in previous versions....
I will try to answer three of your questions. 1) Each notebook has an option `CellContext`. The option value is stored within each notebook. 3) While preparing this post I have seen that the Evaluate[Context ... syntax is no longer needed....
You could do something like this: (HoldForm[6]^40)/(HoldForm[6]^20)
It is worth mentioning that `PowerExpand` assumes the variables are positive (real numbers). If the variable are not always positive, then the transformations made by `PowerExpand` will be invalid. `PowerExpand` is more or less equivalent in this...