User Portlet User Portlet

I'm trying to Plot a graph of 1/Sqrt[x^2-4] with the asymptotes shown with Exclusions. Plot 1 below works, but Plot 2 doesn't show any asymptotes. Why is this? **Plot 1** Plot[1/(x^2 - 4), {x, -10, 10}, Exclusions -> x^2 - 4 == 0, ...
My program produces this intermediary result: {{97, 98, 99}, {65, 66, 67}, {90, 89}} I want to combine these lists of numbers into single numbers, like this: {979899, 656667, 9089} I've tried every possible combination of Join, Flatten, Level,...
I'm currently taking a class in number theory and that means working with large integers. Often these numbers are entered in a short notation, like: x = 52! or y=10^61-1. Mathematica immediately expands these short notations, but that means...
I'm fairly new to programming with Mathematica and I'm trying to use Do loops and iteration as little as possible. One typical problem I run into is this: The following code quickly finds all prime twins ( the first member of them) that are smaller...