User Portlet User Portlet

Hi, I am studying the SystemModeler using SystemModeler 4.01 during a trial phase. I would like to know if there is a means to add other libraries written in Modelica and not being available at the store. I do understand that using the Modeler tool...
Dear all i do prefer the LPCXpresso boards as they are even cheaper, but what is mainly to say is that Wolfram should put less emphasis into adding "devices" but to add protocols, i.e. I2C, be it as i.e. the RaspBerry Pi be the master or the...
Hola Leonardo I have ordered both boards to familiarize myself with the topic. I have ordered the RaspBerry Pi B+ as a bundle and I have ordered the Teensy 3.1. I believe you are right suggesting to look into this this way. I have further spend...
Hola Leonardo I have spend some time doing a draft research and i have ordered both a RaspBerry Pi B+ to look deeper into how Mathematica and Wolfram Language behave in this environment and to see if I can use such an environment to connect the...
Hola Omar, greetings from a former "rolo"! I spend my time as a bachiller at the german school in Bogotá! Allow me to tell you as somebody, who now retired due to health problems is updating his mathematical skills to be able to use the technique of...